CEO of Your Career

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CEO of Your Career: Treat Your Career Like a Company (Get and Keep the Job You Want Book 8)

No One Cares About Your Career Like You Do!

You must run your career as if it were your business and you are the CEO.

If you want to get and keep the job you want, you need to change how you think about your career. This book will change how you think about your career. Instead of relying on others or just thinking about your career as a series of jobs, it will teach you how to look at yourself as a business and to use business tools to boost your career to where you want it to go.

Tom Sheppard successfully used these techniques to rise to the level of a senior executive in a Fortune 500 company. You can use these same techniques to rise as high as you want to reach in your career, no matter your industry.

Buy this book as part of a boxed set available exclusively from the publisher at a remarkable discount

Four Very Special Books to make sure you Keep the Job You Want

Have you ever wondered why some people never seem to lose their jobs, even when everyone around them does? They always seem to be getting promotions and pay raises, while others are being shown the door.

Why do you get laid off when you are better at your job than others who are getting promoted?

It is easy, and emotionally satisfying, to imagine that those other folks have dirty pictures they are using to blackmail their way to job security. But, that doesn't help you.

All of the books in this Power Pack are also available individually through Amazon. CEO of Your Career is only available in ebook format. Fire Yourself, Career Insurance, and Strategic Career Management are available in both ebook and paperback format.

($70 Value)

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